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online guitar lessons

Van Halen Vs Randy Rhoads Guitar Lesson Hey everyone, today we are looking at two riffs from the live guitar solos of Eddie Van Halen and Randy Rhoads. Both of these runs are great and will take a lot of dexterity in both hands to perform up to speed, so make sure you take it[…]

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6 Sweet Blues Rock Guitar Ideas Today I am teaching you 6 classic blues rock guitar cliche ideas in the styles of Stevie Ray Vaughan, BB King, Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Guy etc. The tabs are all hard encoded into the video in this lesson so make sure you click on the link to the video[…]

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Guitar Pedal Shootout – TS10 vs DOD250 Hey, today I go over a direct comparison between two classic drive pedals from the 80s; the Ibanez TS10 Tube Screamer, and the DOD250 OD Preamp pedal. Both of these pedals have been used by music industry heavyweights, no less than SRV and Yngwie have used these pedals.[…]

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Amazing Fret Hand Guitar Exercise Hi everyone, today I am going to help you get your fretting hand into great shape with an amazing workout by a less than famous but nonetheless amazing guitarist named Vinnie Moore. I first came across this exercise in 1988 when I scored a lesson video from a local music[…]

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Double Rock Guitar Ideas Hey readers, today we are looking at how to spice up arrangements for two rock guitars. Nothing is more boring than seeing two guitar players playing the exact same chords, arpeggios etc. the entire song, perfectly in time.  Early rock bands never thought about this, but by the time the late[…]

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This week we are looking at an excerpt from a song called “Little Savage,” from the Yngwie Malmsteen album “Rising Force,” from way back in the 80s. This piece has some really great technically executed lines that will take deft left and right hand ability to pull off. The main takeaway from this is Yngwie’s[…]

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Top Gun Maverick Guitar Lesson   Hey everyone, back again and today I am presenting you with some neat riffs from an 80s classic song from the movie Top Gun. This is song that was performed by Steve Stevens, the man behind Billy Idol’s music and a virtuoso rock guitarist. There is plenty to be[…]

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