Hello and welcome to Uptempo Music Lessons for September 2024!
My name is Ed and I teach in person, or via Skype or Zoom, electric and acoustic guitar, bass, vocal and ukulele lessons, beginners to advanced.
I have been teaching music for over 35 years, and I teach many styles such as pop, rock, jazz, blues, and country for ages 8 and up.
If you would prefer lessons online over Skype or Zoom, you can find me as “UptempoMusic.”
The outline below will give you an idea what you will learn from me if you take guitar lessons.
If at any point you feel like you want to book a lesson, look up and to the right and click on “Book Your Lesson Now.”
My beginner guitar classes look a lot like this.
You will learn:
the parts of the guitar
how to tune the guitar
basic open chords such as major, minor, dom7
strumming patterns and how to invent them yourself
basic songs to strum
how to practice effectively
natural notes on each string
barre chord exercise
fingerpicking patterns
alternate picking with plectrum
how to accompany others
warm up exercises
basic 5 note scales
how to read tabulature
how to read music notation (if you prefer)
and much more if you’re a keener!
You will learn:
basic diatonic theory/relationships
how chords are named
triad chord barre chord shapes CAGED system
picking exercises for speed and accuracy
fret hand exercises for speed and longevity
5 position scale patterns for pentatonic/blues, major/minor
intervals and related exercises 3rd, 3rds inverted, 4ths, 4ths inverted etc.
arpeggio patterns for improvising
techniques like string muting, palm muting, pick harmonics,
vibrato, slides, string bending, tapping, sweep and economy picking, natural
harmonics, hybrid picking etc.
songs and solos that use the above techniques and scales
common chord progressions
theme/variation for improvising
eartraining to improve ability to pick songs off recordings
all the notes on the fretboard
swing feel, triplets, odd note groupings
how to count 4/4 and compound times
You will learn:
diatonic and non diatonic harmony using 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, 13ths extensions
major, minor and composite cadence charts – awesome for songwriting
how to create mixed mode chord progressions and arpeggio patterns
scale, chord, arpeggio relationships
chord subsitution, arpeggio subsitution
advanced diatonic and non diatonic sequences
closed, drop 2 and drop 3 chord voicings and inversions
home chords for memorizing tensions 9/11/13
economy picked scales and arpeggios and patterns
sweep picking triads, 7th 9th 11th 13th arpeggios
via subsitutions
quartal harmony
symmetrical scales and uses
compositional techniques like deceptive cadence
parallelism, equal division of the octave
voice leading chords
eartraining via interval, chord and time figure
how to transcribe solos and songs
transcribed solos by your favorite guitarists
My lessons are customized as every student has different reasons for wanting to take a lesson. Some people want to learn how to play their favorite songs, or learn how to improvise, maybe learn how to read music, or perhaps understand how music theory works. Others might need help preparing for their entrance exams for college and university programs. I can help with all that and more.
I have a system of teaching that breaks down the information for each student helping the students learn and remember this information easier.
My rates are very competitive, and I offer several price points with flexible hours.
If you are interested in seeing my teaching style, please have a look around the site.
There are many free lessons on the “Music Blog” page including video, tabulature, and notation to get you started.
To book a lesson, please click on the book now button, or contact me using the contact information at the bottom of this page.
Thanks for checking out my site and hope to talk to you soon!
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