How To Stretch Like A Guitar God! Hi everyone, today I am going to teach you “How To Stretch Like A Guitar God!” So before grabbing your guitar, I suggest you do some physical stretching as I lay out in the video. Take it slow and be gentle, the goal is to get the hands[…]
Was Yngwie Better At Guitar Pre-Accident? This time the subject is the once infamous guitar god Yngwie J. Malmsteen who, back in the mid 80s, revolutionized guitar technique and was basically the final piece in the puzzle for rock guitar. Yngwie was a technical dynamo with chops so ferocious guys like Eddie Van Halen would[…]
Did Eddie Van Halen say Jimmy Page plays guitar like a 2 Year old? This time we are going with a bit of a controversial subject. Jimmy Page was one of the greatest guitarists/producers/songwriters of all time in rock guitar and he has many great recordings to prove that in his tenure with Led Zeppelin[…]