5 More Guitar Tricks To Make People Think You’re Amazing!

By Ed Sadler Guitar Lessons Comments Off on 5 More Guitar Tricks To Make People Think You’re Amazing!

5 More Guitar Tricks To Make People Think You’re Amazing!

Okay, so due to the popularity of the first video on guitar tricks, I have decided
to complete another video with more tricks or rather, techniques to give you
different ideas on how to play the guitar in ways you may not yet be familiar
with if you are a beginner or intermediate guitarist.

Please print off the tab so you can follow the video easier. Remember, practicing
small bits of information works better than trying to do too much too fast.

Below are tab and video for the lesson.

If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out here for some other tips and tricks.

Thanks for checking out the lesson!


Symbols 5tricks2Tab
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